Title: Ivy's Poison
Series: Cavalieri Della Morte Series
Author: India R. Adams
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: May 2, 2019
Bors is hungry for revenge after one of his assignments spins out of control. Not only is he tortured by the man he was hired to murder, the president of a notorious and ruthless motorcycle club, but he’s also left in the care of the man’s deranged daughter, Ivy. And she knows exactly who is chained and at her mercy, the one she has wanted dead for three years.
During captivity, Bors witnesses what has become of Ivy’s life, and finds himself trapped between hatred and sorrow for his female tormentor.
“It only took one day for me to hate her more than my worst enemy.
Only took two to start planning her death.
And only three… to fall in love with her.”
Bors is an avenger. Especially Ivy’s.
This was my first time reading India R. Adams, and I gotta say that it took me literally no time at all to fall in love with her writing style. This particular installment of the series is one that had me cringing quite a bit, yet I couldn't put this down. The prologue is all kinds of hot and sexy between Ivy and Bors, but everything doesn't quite play out to Bors' advantage. Three years later, Bors' newest assignment manages to bring him back in orbit with Ivy, and that chance meeting sets the stage for the rest of the book, which delves further into the land of WTFery is happening?
This is told in dual POV, but the majority of the story is told from Bors' POV. We don't get a lot of background on Bors, only the minimum of what could have happened to his mom, to who took him in and helped provide him some guidance and life lessons; it's pretty easy early on in the book what his preferred methods of kills are (and sounds all kinds of badass), but I loved the scenes where he's completely flustered by a certain individual; it was easy to imagine this big bear of a man completely out of his element, and my heart kind of broke after he revealed who he is and what he thought was going to happen.
But!!!! I gotta say, I was in complete awe of Ivy. That is one strong woman to endure all that she's endured and has managed to keep a hold of her sanity
Love strong women in books :D glad you enjoyed this one