Tuesday, January 20, 2015

BLOG TOUR REVIEW - Covert (Chicago Angels #1) by G.K. Moore

New Adult Romantic Suspense
Chicago Angels, #1
New Adult Romantic Suspense
Released December 2, 2014
Goodreads | Amazon

Alessandro is the unwilling heir of a Chicago crime family. Intent on leaving the life set out for him, he decides to run as fast and as far away as possible. His plans crumble when one girl crash lands in his life. He should hate the daughter of his father’s mistress, but it’s near impossible when he finds that they are alike in more ways than one.

Olivia grew up watching men walk in and out of her mother’s life. When one man finally decides to stay, she learns that crime lords don’t leave until someone’s dead. Olivia’s salvation comes from the person she least expects: his son.

Six years later, Olivia and Alessandro are reunited when her life is threatened. If time has proven one thing, it’s that repeating their parents’ mistakes seems inevitable.

In a world where friendship is a luxury and love a death sentence, two unlikely lovers find each other only to be separated by their cruel reality.

About the Author
G.K. Moore loves cake, romances with alpha males and happily ever afters. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, stalking friends on Facebook, watching bad reality TV, traveling, torturing her hubby with ideas for new stories or doing all of the above at the same time. Her debut novel, a romantic suspense, is coming out December 2nd and the backdrop is one of her all time favorite cities, Chicago.
Website: www.readmoorebooks.com
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8287810.G_K_Moore
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Well this book proved to be entertaining and I'm glad a I got a chance to read it. This isn't a typical mafia romance (is there such a thing though?)

The beginning will definitely pull you into the story, and throughout the book we get to know the characters from the time they met up until the events that have transpired that have brought them back together. We also learn from the flashbacks that Alessandro's father Silvio wasn't above threatening the safety and life of Olivia in order to force Alex to follow through with Silvio's plans. Although what's not exactly clear to me is why was Alessandro still traveling that same road now that his father is no longer living. I'm sure he had enough money from his trust fund that he could have left the life if he really didn't want to be a part of it.

And though the ending is a cliffhanger, it was still easy to figure out the route that Alessandro chose to take simply by a comment he made a few chapters from the end of the book, although I think that's the punk way out. You mean to tell me that the head of an organization is kowtowing the way he did? I can't wait to read the next book and find out what's going to with Livi and Alessandro, and more importantly, who is behind the threat on Livi's life?
ARC provided in exchange for honest review.


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  2. Hi! I've nominated you for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! See my post here - http://blueeyebooks.blogspot.com/2015/01/sisterhood-of-world-bloggers-award-part.html

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks
